Total Overseas Transport Service

From various procedures for the carry out, delivery, setup, installation, maintenance and commissioning on-site. We support speedy moving of equipment based on our long experience.

Providing One-Stop Services Similar to Domestic Services

As Japanese companies have been expanding their global production systems, we have provided overseas transport for heavy goods since our foundation. Based on our abundant knowledge, experience and achievements, we provide one-stop services for customers similar to domestic services.

Providing total services from complicated procedures for overseas transport to carry out, delivery, setup, installation, maintenance, and commissioning on-site, moving equipment safely and quickly through our total services, and helping customers make the best use of their business opportunities. That’s the mission of our overseas transport service.

Providing Transport Service in ASEAN Countries by Establishing a Base in Thailand

In order to promote the overseas transport service smoothly, we established Siam Sun Engineering Co., Ltd., our wholly-owned local subsidiary in Chonburi, Thailand, in 2014.

The 1,815 m2 (550 tsubo) plant has two 50t/15t, 30t/5t overhead travelling cranes (hoisting length is 12 m), electrical facilities (500kVA) which can commission two large machines that require high output simultaneously, painting booths and other equipment. Through this equipment, we can provide total transport service including overhaul, repainting and other maintenance services more practically and economically.

Also, we currently provide transport services to Laos, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Cambodia by utilizing the ASEAN networks where we have developed relationships of trust, by setting Thailand as a base.

Go to the Introduction of Thailand’s business base

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